Odisha Class 12th Result for the year 2021 is going to be published on July 31 2021 . In Odisha we have 2 lakh or more student has given +2 exam . Result link will be given below.

How to Check the Result Online Odisha Class 12th Result Online
To Check the result of class 12th of CHSE board for both Science and Commerce Stream Click on Any link below to navigate to results page.
1: Click on the Any website given below
2: After the website will open , then Click on the link given for class 12th exam Result
3: When the result page will opened , then by entering candidates name you can check the result
4: Some times we can get the result by entering Roll Number and Registration Number.

How to Check the Result Online Odisha Class 12th Result through SMS
Currently CHSE board of Odisha Government has not decided any details for the class 12th exam 2021 Results . But as per the year 2020 we have the SMS Details to check for the class 12th exam result .
Simply type RESULT<space>OR12<space>ROLL NUMBER – and send it to 56263.
We will update the Updated details of the SMS details to check the result in our website .
Important News
1: Odisha Class 12th Exam Results for the year 2021 is going to be published on July 31st 2021 before evening time .
2: The results for the Class 12th exam is going to be published for the only Science and Commerce Stream.
3: The Results for the Arts Steam and other stream of class 12th will be published later in few month .
Odisha Class 12th Result : ReChecking Process
The result will be declared without examination and if you find a mistake in your result, or you want to recheck your result then you can apply for that also. You can also apply for re checking by going online, for which you will have to deposit some fee as well as a fixed date will be issued by the board for this, about which no information has been received yet.
Odisha Class 12th Result : Admission Process
Once the Result of the Class 12th Exam for the year is going to out , Government is planning to conduct different Compitative exam for the further Admission in Different College to get degree in engineering , in +3 colleges . After the result exam for Doctor program NEET will going to conduct , similarly JEE Mains and OJEE exam is going to happen for the engineering .
We will update all the admission details and entrance exam details for the admission , please stay with our website we will update you all .