Food Safety Officers posts been released by Odisha Staff Selection Commission for the year 2021 . Online Applications are invited for the 35 posts on contractual basis.Online Registration Process from July 26 and Continue till 25 August . To check out all the important information for the exam Kindly follow the below details.
Food Safety Officers : Important Dates
Events | Start Date | End Date |
Date Of Online Registration | 26-07-2021 | 25-08-2021 |
Date Of Online Payment of Examination Fees | 26-07-2021 | 25-08-2021 |
Date Of Submission of Online Application Form | 26-07-2021 | 04-09-2021 |
Food Safety Officers : Vacancy Details
We have Total 35 Vacancies for the Food Safety Officers in Odisha . Please find the below image to see the vacancy break up category wise .

Food Safety Officers : Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates minimum age for the post is 21 years and Maximum age is 21 years . Where as the age will be calculated as per Matriculation certificate .
- Candidates must Pass degree in Food Technology/Dairy Technology/Biotechnology/Oil Technology/Agricultural Science/Veterinary Science/Bio-Chemistry/Microbiology or Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from AICTE – approved institute/recognized Boards/State & Statutory University securing minimum 60% marks in aggregate along with adequate knowledge in Computer Application.
- Candidates must be a indian Citizen.
- Candidates must able to read , write and Speak Odia .
Food Safety Officers : Exam Pattern
To get Selected as Food Safety Officers in Odisha , Candidates need to clear 3 stages of the Exam .
- In Stage 1 candidate has to give Main Written Exam which have 2 paper where in paper 1 candidates have to give exam for composite Paper which includes subject like General Studies , Mathematics , Computer Application and English.Paper 2 Have Technical paper like Food Safety Act Rule and Chemistry.
- Stage 2 have Computer Skill Test which is in Qualifying in nature.
- Stage 3 have Document Verification
To get Complete Details of the Exam Pattern follow the Below Image.

Food Safety Officers : Syllabus
Composite Paper (Paper-I) – 100 marks Composite paper consists of 100 questions of multiple choices of answers of following subjects.
1:General Studies – The question on General Studies will relate to Indian History, Economics, Geography, Major events in World History, General Science, Environmental issue, human Right issues, Indian Polity, Current events etc.
2:Mathematics – The question on Mathematics will be on Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics & Trigonometry of HSC Standard.
3:Computer Application(theory) – Windows, MS Office(Word, Excel & Power Point), MS Access & Usage of Internet Services. English – Grammar, Usage & Vocabulary. Technical Paper (Paper-II): – 100 marks
Technical paper consists of 100 questions of multiple choices of answers. Each question will carry 1(one) mark. The questions in the Technical Paper shall be as follows:
Food Safety Act & Rule-50 marks Chemistry – 50 marks For each correct answer one (1) mark will be awarded. There will be negative marking @ 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. However, no mark will be awarded & no mark will be deducted for any question which is left un-attempted.
Syllabus of Technical Paper –
- Food: Definition, Food additives and processing aid, Contaminants, Toxic substances, Heavy Metals.
- Pesticides: Pest control, Antibiotic Residues and microbiological control.
- Genetically modified foods, Organic foods, functional foods, proprietary foods.
- Packaging and Labelling of Foods.
- Restriction on advertisement & prohibition to unfair trade practices.
- Responsibilities of the Food Business Operator.
- Liability of manufactures, packers, whole sellers, distributors and sellers.
- Food Recall procedures.
- Licensing and Registration of Food Business.
- General requirements on Hygienic and Sanitary practices by the FBOs (Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Hygienic practice, Hazard Analysis & Critical Control
Point/Personal Hygiene) - Water pollution : Potable water: sources and methods of purification, Food and Water Borne Diseases.
- Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids – Definition, Classification and Properties, significance.
- Essential and non-essential amino acids.
- Vitamins – Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins their sources, properties and significance.
4.Enzymes-Definition, classifications, properties, Co-enzymes..
5.Chemical components of foods-Micro and Micronutrients and their dietary sources and biochemical rules. - Nutrition deficiencies Disorders.
- To estimate acid value, iodine value, saponification value of lipids.
- Food spoilage-Microorganisms, conditions(Factors & Control)
- Food poisoning (intoxication) – Bacterial, Fungal, Algal.
10.Food preservation: Storage, physical and chemical methods. - Fermentation of food items:- Types, production of cheese, yoghurt, bread etc.
Computer Skill Test :- 50 marks, 1 hour duration and qualifying in nature.
1: Candidates numbering about three times of vacancies in order of merit category wise basing on the marks secured in written examination i.e. sum total of mark in paper-I & Paper-II shall be shortlisted for Computer Skill Test.
This test shall comprise of following subjects i.e windows, MS office (Work, Excel & Power Point), MS Access & Usage of Internet Services.
2: Candidates securing 15 marks & above shall be shortlisted to appear the certificate verification. 9(3)Document verification
of original
3: Candidates qualified in Computer Skill Test will be called for verification certificates/documents on the date & time to be notified by the Commission.
Food Safety Officers : How To Apply
a. The applicants have to go through the Detail Advertisement before filling up the online application form.
b.Aspirants have to apply online using the official website of the Commission Click Here.
c. All eligible candidates have to register themselves by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE” button in the Home page of the Commission’s website Click Here.
d. Those candidates who are applying for the first time have to register for the post by
clicking on “NEW USER” button shown on the screen. On submitting the registration
form a User Id and Password will be generated.
e. On clicking “New user” or “Registered User” instruction for filling up the Online Registration/ Re-registration and Application Forms shall appear on the computer screen. These instructions are to be read carefully before proceeding for filling up the
Application Form
f. Step by step procedure for registration/re-registration can be viewed by clicking on “Instruction to fill up Online Application Form”.
Food Safety Officers : Documents Required for Certificate Verification
Please check the below image which listed out all the documents needed during certificate verification.

Food Safety Officers : Admit Card
The candidates shall have to download the admission letters by accessing the Commission’s website and using their ‘User ID’ and ‘Password‘ to appear the Main Written Examination & Certificate Verification.
Food Safety Officers : Selected list
The merit list will be prepared basing on the sum total of mark secured by the candidates in written test i.e paper-I & paper-II, from among the candidates who have qualified in Computer Skill Test & found eligible in document/certificate verification
The select list shall be prepared in order of merit from the said merit list category wise as per vacancies Notified in the clause-3 of the advertisement.
Food Safety Officers : Salary Details
The appointment to these posts will be initially on contractual basis carrying a remuneration of Rs.16800/- per month(for 15 year) as per Odisha Group-B Posts (Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules, 2017 notified vide Government in GA Department.
Notification No.GAD-SC-Rules-0037-2017-19569/Gen dtd.12th September,2017 and Condition of Service will be guided by the Government of Odisha Group-B Posts (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2013 notified vide Govt. in G.A. Department Notification No.1147-GAD SC-RULES-0061-2013/Gen dated 17th January, 2014 and the Recruitment Rules in Force